Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fun in the Park

Terry and I went to St. Clair Park to hear a band called "English Channel"... they did old music by British bands... the Yardbirds, the Animals, some Led Zeppelin... it was pretty cool. Meanwhile, after we went out to supper, I bought some heavy duty chocolate and we each had two pieces... About halfway through the concert I started to feel sooo happy... I thought it was because I was starting on the coral reef project and I just couldn't stop smiling!! we were playing with some little boys and they asked me about what I was doing and I showed them the crochet piece. They were so cute. Then they gave us each a piece of blueberry cobbler that their mother had made. She said her son, Cammy (Camden) wanted to do yoga, so I told them about Moonglow's classes for kids. Then we were dancing after darkness fell and I was really kicking up my heels... it felt so good. As we were walking home, Shirleah and Keith "kidnapped" us so we went to Eat n Park with them. Terry had more pie! I had water. Then I was so keyed up from all the fun I couldn't sleep. It was a good evening.

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