Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

This Halloween we had about six children come to the door and we gave them granola bars! Yay!
I'm sure they were thrilled.  We hardly ever get any children but this year we have neighbors who have a really elaborate display and they attracted more to this little street and are still out there celebrating. 
Makes me long for the old days when we were kids and could roam at will with our pillow cases and no one worried about how long we were out or how much sugar we consumed.
We were minimalists in our decorating.  However, we collaborated and did a yin/yang jack-o-lantern.
I also toasted the seeds. The bushes need to be cut, but I think it adds to the spooky effect!  And I wore my mom's "witch" hat.  She used to make fabulous costumes for us every year.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

the beach

Terry and I doing Tai Chi

Just came back from Nags Head, NC... it was so beautiful.  The waves were glorious and we jumped around in them one day when they were manageable for us (not so great swimmers)...  We hadn't been back to Nags Head for twelve years due to one thing and another, so it was really sweet.    

Thursday, September 23, 2010

purse dreams

Purse Dreams

outside detail

inside detail

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hyperbolic Crocheted Coral Reef Pieces

Here are the pieces crocheted (hyperbolically) as part of the Smithsonian Institute's Coral Reef exhibit.
The exhibit will be there in the National Museum of History's Sant Ocean Hall Focus Gallery from
October 16, 2010 to April 24, 2011.  I'm planning to go to see it. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Moon Dance Cape

Moon Dance Cape
Picked up the cape ("Moon Dance") from the Greensburg Art Club gallery today. It was in the teacher/student show for a month. Took some pictures and the first one accidentally became a two second video... Need to do more work on photography.
This was started last year before I ever learned about the Freeform Crochet group on Yahoo...
I think I've been doing this kind of stuff for a long time now.  Also... it looks very "Coral Reefy"
to me too.  I may wear it to the Smithsonian when I visit to see the Reef!
Moon Dance Detail (Subtle Star)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Blasts from the Past

Woman in Flame

Violet's Escape
Violet's Escape - detail

Ravel - detail

First Quilt - for Leslie Golomb's Project
using her prints and my shibori

Last Minute Lucy
She lived her life juicy

Fun in the Park

Terry and I went to St. Clair Park to hear a band called "English Channel"... they did old music by British bands... the Yardbirds, the Animals, some Led Zeppelin... it was pretty cool. Meanwhile, after we went out to supper, I bought some heavy duty chocolate and we each had two pieces... About halfway through the concert I started to feel sooo happy... I thought it was because I was starting on the coral reef project and I just couldn't stop smiling!! we were playing with some little boys and they asked me about what I was doing and I showed them the crochet piece. They were so cute. Then they gave us each a piece of blueberry cobbler that their mother had made. She said her son, Cammy (Camden) wanted to do yoga, so I told them about Moonglow's classes for kids. Then we were dancing after darkness fell and I was really kicking up my heels... it felt so good. As we were walking home, Shirleah and Keith "kidnapped" us so we went to Eat n Park with them. Terry had more pie! I had water. Then I was so keyed up from all the fun I couldn't sleep. It was a good evening.